Saturday, April 22, 2006

Not much to report, but I'll probably end up writing a lot about it

Not much happened this week. I bought some screws that I used to mount the boards in the backbox, then lightly plugged in as many cables as I could find plugs for. I didn't want to plug them in fully since I want to be able to disconnect them when I get power in, so I don't end up sending 100 volts to the CPU or something because the power driver isn't working properly.

A guy at work who builds his own amps and stuff loaned me a catalog of electronic parts, thinking I could find the transformers I needed in there, but I couldn't make heads or tails of it.

The Fliptronics II board arrived -- this guy actually used Priority Mail -- but I haven't done much else besides mount it.

Hey, for fun I wrote a Firefox search engine for Internet Pinball Database. I still need to read how to make it general enough to release, though.

A few weeks ago a guy advertised pla
yfield glass on Mr. Pinball, so I reserved a pane for delivery at Allentown... Doctor Who won't run without glass on it, to avoid people's hands being crushed by the mini-playfield (mine doesn't have the motor to crush anybody's hands, but the game probably doesn't take that into account), and I'm hoping the game will be running before the York show in October. Last night I saw another guy on Mr. Pinball guy selling pinball legs, so I reserved four rusty ones for $5 each... we'll see how well they clean up. I checked the guy's website, and in addition to pinball he also makes pretty good full-body character costumes... I especially liked his Banana Splits Drooper and Bender from Futurama. He advertises that he's Furry friendly, which made even my quiche-eating California-liberal brain go "ewww!! gross!!"

I'd like to try to plug the various voltages into the game to see what works tomorrow, but we'll see if I have time. Most of this weekend has been taken up already with driving to my daughter's new school, Gettysburg College, for Get Acquainted Day. Of course, for me it was You Better Find a Shitload of Money Fast Day, but then when is it not that day? Also, the house looks like crap so I have to get some cleaning done. And I really need to sell some stuff on eBay. I need to watch a Netflix so I can get it back in time to (hopefully) get Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (for that matter, I need to finish Final Fantasy VII ^_^; ). The yard needs mowing, the cats need ironing, etc., etc. Really, my weekends need to be about a month long.

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