Saturday, April 08, 2006

A favorable verdict from the bench

The power supply that I lovingly extracted from the PC didn't work. :P So my fallback solution was using another old PC I have sitting around... I unplug the power cable from the CD drive, plug some aligator clips into the socket, and let it rip. This turned out better than expected. I plugged in a ROM chip (the Who ROM and cables arrived a few days after the boards), applied power & ground to the J210 plugs, and see what happens. What I found was the working board that I got last week appeared to boot (that is, the LEDs on the board showed the program was running), and in a surprising development one of the two boards from England booted as well.

On the board that doesn't work, the power and the blanking LEDs stay on, and the LED that indicates that the game is running doesn't. At a later date, I'm going to probe the board with my multimeter and see if the voltages are good, and possibly try re-seating the some of the chips.

Tomorrow, if I don't get sick again or some other calamity fails to befall me, I'm going to test the transformer in the game. If that delivers satisfactory voltages, I will try plugging boards into it and see what happens.

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