Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween at Castle Entropy

Halloween sucks for us. We live on a busy street with no sidewalks, so we've gotten about 3 trick or treaters in the 10 years we've lived here. And with the Entropy Scion at college, we don't even get a little run off from her holiday. Mrs. Entropy and I carved our pumpkins, watched a little Anime, and ate most of the good candy ourselves. Boo hoo.

On Monday I bought a new WPC CPU board that was advertised as 100% working on eBay for just over $100 + way more shipping than it should have been. Although I've been burned by the "100% working" ploy, in this case it was truth in advertising. I plugged it into Doctor Who and it seems to work pretty well. I can hit those ESCAPE targets now, and it certainly makes the Hang On shot actually scorable. There's one opto that I know is out (the right-most gray button target) and the right bumper doesn't seem to be working, but these are minor things. I played a few satisfying games with the new board. I also bought a new power driver board, a somewhat hacked rev 3 board which can't be used in Terminator, so the idea is that DW is going to donate its rev 1 board to T2 and use the rev 3 board. That's assuming the new board works, but testing it is a lot more effort than a CPU. Plus that wasn't sold as 100% working, it was "functional when it was pulled out of a BSD."

I really need to narrate the T2 story, but that will have to be another time. However, Shaggy has come through again with another wonderful dishwasher tip: Throwing the wiring harness in. I ran both of the T2 cabinet harnesses through (each as their own load, in deference to my wife who doesn't want Pinball Grime on her dishes) and they came out really nice... one was already pretty clean, but t'other was filthy and that looks really good now.

Wednesday's league was good, I think it was 3 wins and 1 loss. Pasted them on Mousin' Around with a season high score... MA is proving to be my goto game for decent scoring. There's one in both locations now, and it tends to be pretty good to me. My loss was on Fish Tales, which I just can't get started on in league... every other FT likes me, but the one at the Volleyball House has it in for me. I typically hit the boat ramps repeatedly to activate the Monster Fish award, but I have a hard time getting 3 ramp shots. The bad news about Monday league is that my complete destruction of my group last week has pushed me into A Division. Kinda cool when looked at from a distance, but up close it could spell my doom... the A Team seems to be a lot better than I am, so I'm really not sure how well I'll do.

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