I really haven't written very much about the Terminator, or anything else. Here's where we right that wrong.
After fixing the plugs, I plugged everything in. Unlike Doctor Who, T2 had all the wires and plugs it should have had. Williams clearly learned a lot about manual writing in the year between T2 and DW, because the extremely clear diagrams of the boards showing the plug positions with a listing of the plugs and their wire colors is not there. Instead it's a text listing of the plugs in what must have seemed like an orderly tabular fashion, but in reality makes it really hard to find stuff. So I used the DW manual to connect just about everything, then puzzled out T2's manual for plugs DW didn't have (like the non-Fliptronic flipper connectors).
I was reluctant to plug in the playfield, so I tested voltages and stuff as I plugged, and nothing seemed completely bizarre. To summarize a long evening of booting and plugging, at the end I had a lit machine with a more or less working DMD (it did to the whoop whoop whoop because the board is the one that delivers too much power to the DMD). To the right is what it looked like after I put everything back together. As a bonus, all the solenoids worked and pretty much all the switches, too, except for the ones in the dead column (known problem with the MPU) and a switch that just wasn't there. The drop target wouldn't stay up, but just about everything else worked. I even played an impromptu game, only slightly hampered by missing flipper lanes and ramps that weren't connected to their wireforms.
So we have a more or less working game installed in its new cabinet. The next step was to move it from the boiler room to its permanent home, next to Eight Ball Deluxe. That doesn't leave a lot of room to squeeze between the game and the basement sofa, but I'm thin enough to pull it off. It also helps that we had to move another sofa our of the rear of the basement, so I had to clear a path, and I used that excuse to organize the pinball area and label boxes of parts that are sitting around. This has been a huge step forward for me... I can actually find stuff relatively quickly when I need it.
Now it was time to strip down the playfield for cleaning. This was also kind of a preview of the sort of cleaning I'll need to do when DW moves into its new cabinet. I took lots of reference pictures as I disassembled, and labeled parts and put them in bags as I went. If I had had the space, I would have laid the parts out on a table in a forensic reconstruction, but sadly the best I could do is array them on various pinball machines.
In the end, what we were left with was a mostly stripped filthy playfield (I removed the wood sides and backsplash after this picture was taken). Now kids, if you're cleaning your game, you'll probably want to strip all the parts off the game including the undersides. But I am lazy and hate to solder, plus the underparts are relatively clean, so I wiped them down in situ and only removed problem parts, like the drop target assembly that wouldn't stay up.
Now, if you zoom into this picture you can see a couple of flaws in the playfield. The worst is missing paint on the top of the auto-fire hot dog, but if you look closely you can also see some kind of goober build-up behind and on either side of the white targets, and on the left side of the Chase Loop you can see where some clown put two wood screws and a rubber in the place of a lost metal wire. I'm kind of expecting the last two to be covered up by ramps and plastics.
So in our next episode we'll talk about the actual cleaning process.
In other pinball news, I ended up finishing 3rd in league, so I did not completely humiliate myself. It was basically a contest between two guys, and me and the other guy were fighting for the bottom. He normally can beat me on any game made after he was born (I have beaten him on Strikes and Spares, for example), but I had an excellent game and crushed him on Attack from Mars, 6 billion to 1 or so... and that one game has been my nemesis all season, with me not scoring more than 400 mil.
My daughter is chugging away at the pinball museum. Her boss is kind of a dick, very difficult to work with, and worst of all doesn't realize that he's difficult to work with. He takes every perceived slight personally, which means he's alienated the local league and the other museums, which he should be bending over backwards for. I basically sent out an email to the league guys suggesting that we extend an olive branch to the museum via my daughter, but when she brought it up to him he got mad that he hadn't heard from the league in months (mainly because he didn't listen to the voicemail on his phone) and he said that we were just out for freebies (which she didn't say, I think he was projecting his own fears on us). She called me in tears because she didn't know what to do... it's so obvious that he needs the support of the local community, but he's mad at us for basically imagined reasons. I tried to calm her down and said we could discuss next steps when she got home, but luckily he came back later and she was able to talk some sense into him -- that we weren't out for free memberships, we wanted to HELP and VOLUNTEER and LEND HIM GAMES THAT HE DESPERATELY NEEDS. So she got permission to open negotiations and send out a special newsletter targeted to the local community. She's also going to meet with a league bigwig for lunch and talk about stuff, and I offered to pay for the lunch to make it look like the museum is buying him lunch (because if you've got a big deal donor/helper, you want to treat him with kid gloves, including dropping 20 bucks on lunch. Cheez!). Anyway, the whole incident gave me new insight into the Arab-Israeli peace process.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Just checked the PAPA scores, and it turns out there was a miscoded entry which was re-entered and dumped me down to one below last year's rank. It's sad; oh, so sad.
Why I haven't done any work on the Terminator
Or blogged about it, for that matter. It's because I've been a busy little barracora lately, and for a change it's mostly pinball related.
My goal was to finish my first major update to the Pinball Locator before I went to PAPA, and gosh darn it I did, by about 2 days. I reformatted the database to make it easier to wrangle, point-coded about 80% of the locations and added a distance search, revamped the add and edit functions to make them faster and easier to use, added a search by count of games by location, and I carry the search parameters around so you can refine your search easier & you can return from an add or edit to your previous search and see your updates immediately. And since the heavy lifting is out of the way, I can now easily add much smaller features and not go another 2 months without an update... or at least not for a while, anyway. Reaction so far has been positive... some people pointed out data errors, which I fixed last night. And there are a few bugs... the game count doesn't recalculate properly and if you edit the last item in a search you won't return to that item when you're done. I should be able to fix those today or tomorrow.
And then I went to PAPA on Friday. This time, Mrs. Entropy went with me, which helped a lot on the hell-ride coming back. My stated goal was to defend and exceed my mid-60's title from last year. I put in a pretty good entry that got me up to #6 in C Division, then did two crappy entries that didn't do much. I had only dropped to #9 when we left, but by the time we got home I was down to #17. Yesterday I watched as I sunk lower and lower on the list, and when I went to bed I was one below last year's place. Somebody did me a favor in the wee hours, though, and when I woke up I found that I had tied last year's ranking. I didn't exceed it, which was sad, but there's always next year.
One thing I did do better this year was know my games and what to do. I looked at the C Div games before I left and familiarized myself with the rules to a game that I didn't know (Creature from the Black Lagoon). When I got there, the first thing I did was do a practice game and scored a healthy 144 mil on a game that I used to just flail randomly at. If I had done that well in the tournament, I might have managed a healthy top 30 finish, but I couldn't get my multiball going.
What I learned this year is that next year I need to stay the whole weekend. Getting one fairly good round on Friday is fine, but you need to prune and maintain your entry with subsequent entries like you would an ornamental shrubbery. Plus you get to goof off & play pinball all weekend, not just for one day, and leaving early Sunday evening will probably make the return trip merely a purgatory ride.
Mrs. Entropy had a good time. Revenge from Mars -- her go to game -- wasn't working so well, which forced her to get out and play some others. I need to break her of the habit of double-flipping, though. She ended up having a pretty good time, and we had some chats with other league members we met there.
Sadly, the cool poster design I blogged about last month was not the default t-shirt.
My daughter, in her capacity as Assistant to the Curator of the National Pinball Museum, revealed to me that the inventory of games she's been undertaking shows that they are a little short of newer games for their pay-to-play area. I suggested she might talk to some of the big deal collectors and ask them to loan some machines to the museum. I suggested that I might be able to temporarily part with Eight Ball Deluxe and one of my DMD games (if I could get either of them working reliably). So we'll see how that plays out. By the way, I am full of good ideas for the NPM: I told Zoe last weekend that she should get some flyers to the PAPA people so they could include them with the tote bags they give out to entrants. She did and they did, so hopefully that will get the word out a little more to the heavy-duty players and the rest of us.
And finally, league: I finished in the top 4 of A Division, just barely squeaking into the playoffs. I basically need to do OK, have the person below me not have an awesome night, and have the person above me have a crappy night. I did, she did not, and he did, so I'm in. Of course, I'm competing agains two PAPA B Division finalists and an A Division competitor (#65 out of 80, but that's in frickin' A), so I'm pretty much just hoping I won't soil myself. I think I get some game picks, so I ran some preliminary numbers and I have some ideas of what to do.
Now I have to go finish cleaning the Terminator.
My goal was to finish my first major update to the Pinball Locator before I went to PAPA, and gosh darn it I did, by about 2 days. I reformatted the database to make it easier to wrangle, point-coded about 80% of the locations and added a distance search, revamped the add and edit functions to make them faster and easier to use, added a search by count of games by location, and I carry the search parameters around so you can refine your search easier & you can return from an add or edit to your previous search and see your updates immediately. And since the heavy lifting is out of the way, I can now easily add much smaller features and not go another 2 months without an update... or at least not for a while, anyway. Reaction so far has been positive... some people pointed out data errors, which I fixed last night. And there are a few bugs... the game count doesn't recalculate properly and if you edit the last item in a search you won't return to that item when you're done. I should be able to fix those today or tomorrow.
And then I went to PAPA on Friday. This time, Mrs. Entropy went with me, which helped a lot on the hell-ride coming back. My stated goal was to defend and exceed my mid-60's title from last year. I put in a pretty good entry that got me up to #6 in C Division, then did two crappy entries that didn't do much. I had only dropped to #9 when we left, but by the time we got home I was down to #17. Yesterday I watched as I sunk lower and lower on the list, and when I went to bed I was one below last year's place. Somebody did me a favor in the wee hours, though, and when I woke up I found that I had tied last year's ranking. I didn't exceed it, which was sad, but there's always next year.
One thing I did do better this year was know my games and what to do. I looked at the C Div games before I left and familiarized myself with the rules to a game that I didn't know (Creature from the Black Lagoon). When I got there, the first thing I did was do a practice game and scored a healthy 144 mil on a game that I used to just flail randomly at. If I had done that well in the tournament, I might have managed a healthy top 30 finish, but I couldn't get my multiball going.
What I learned this year is that next year I need to stay the whole weekend. Getting one fairly good round on Friday is fine, but you need to prune and maintain your entry with subsequent entries like you would an ornamental shrubbery. Plus you get to goof off & play pinball all weekend, not just for one day, and leaving early Sunday evening will probably make the return trip merely a purgatory ride.
Mrs. Entropy had a good time. Revenge from Mars -- her go to game -- wasn't working so well, which forced her to get out and play some others. I need to break her of the habit of double-flipping, though. She ended up having a pretty good time, and we had some chats with other league members we met there.
Sadly, the cool poster design I blogged about last month was not the default t-shirt.
My daughter, in her capacity as Assistant to the Curator of the National Pinball Museum, revealed to me that the inventory of games she's been undertaking shows that they are a little short of newer games for their pay-to-play area. I suggested she might talk to some of the big deal collectors and ask them to loan some machines to the museum. I suggested that I might be able to temporarily part with Eight Ball Deluxe and one of my DMD games (if I could get either of them working reliably). So we'll see how that plays out. By the way, I am full of good ideas for the NPM: I told Zoe last weekend that she should get some flyers to the PAPA people so they could include them with the tote bags they give out to entrants. She did and they did, so hopefully that will get the word out a little more to the heavy-duty players and the rest of us.
And finally, league: I finished in the top 4 of A Division, just barely squeaking into the playoffs. I basically need to do OK, have the person below me not have an awesome night, and have the person above me have a crappy night. I did, she did not, and he did, so I'm in. Of course, I'm competing agains two PAPA B Division finalists and an A Division competitor (#65 out of 80, but that's in frickin' A), so I'm pretty much just hoping I won't soil myself. I think I get some game picks, so I ran some preliminary numbers and I have some ideas of what to do.
Now I have to go finish cleaning the Terminator.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Dun dun dun dundun. Dun dun dun dundun.
Yes, that theme music in the title means that I'm finally going to talk about the Terminator 2 rebuild.
Reviewing my old posts, I had set up the cabinet and replaced the crazy foreign plug on the line filter with a red-blooded American plug. To finish the line filter, I had to take out the 230V varistor and replace it with a more appropriate 130V one to protect the game from our pansy-ass domestic voltages. Luckily I was able to find one at Radio Shack, since protecting circuits from line surges is a pretty common application... I didn't find one at the RS that's down the street from my house because it sucks pretty bad. However, I went up the the RS in nearby Olney which not only had everything I needed but also had a graybeard working at the counter who understood my Battery Club jokes (those cell-phone shilling chumps at my local store probably weren't even born when the Battery Club was discontinued). He actually told me that the Derwood store was supposed to be closed a few years ago, but they had one good quarter which saved them. Since then they've gone back to their under-performing ways, so I won't too surprised if our local Shack is given the shaft. It'll be no big loss.
And to finish off the line filter I repinned the plug to the transformer in the tradition butterfly pattern. I had kind of a hard time pulling the old pins out... I think I used a small screwdriver to do the job. But once that was done I crimped in new pins and was done. Originally I was going to use a line filter that just needed a new plug and not all of the conversion stuff, but when I started gathering the pieces I noticed that its serial number didn't match the other parts I was going to use. So I got tough and did the full conversion. Yay for me. On the down-side the other one had a better power switch, and it had a service outlet which mine doesn't.
Then I fed the line filter in and attached it to the cabinet. I also put in the coin interface board and selected and attached a nice coin door.
Moving in a semi-orderly fashion along the power train, I put in the transformer. Continuing a proud and storied tradition of crappy half-assed operator fixes, two wires had broken off the transformer plug and had been reattached with a freaky little microplug that I pulled off when I first saw it and could never reattach. So that had to be pulled out and repinned which again took a while because I didn't have the proper pin-pulling tool. Once that was done I put the transformer in the cabinet and did a quick voltage test, checking the values against what Doctor Who was putting out. Some of the voltages were disturbingly different from DW's values, but I decided to forge ahead and hope for the best.
The last step was installing the head-to-cabinet wiring. This last was a little dicey because I only had crappy cell phone pics of the cabinet before I took everything out, but I managed to get it all put together to my satisfaction. Also, the GI plug on the wiring harness had pretty much disintegrated, so I had to build a new one from scratch. My master-level crimping skills stood me in good stead, even when I realized that I had built the plug backwards. Lucky for me the GI plug is 12 pins of the same wire, so I only had to pull out the middle 5 pins and reverse them.
And that's pretty much most of the work I did on the cabinet. Next time I'll discuss plugging everything in.
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The installed varistor |
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Matching serial numbers, bitches!!! |
Then I fed the line filter in and attached it to the cabinet. I also put in the coin interface board and selected and attached a nice coin door.
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Note the transformer with the crazy plug on the right. Also visible: A printout of the crappy cell phone pic I used to put everything back. |
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GI plug before... burnt out. |
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GI plug after... clean! |
And that's pretty much most of the work I did on the cabinet. Next time I'll discuss plugging everything in.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Hole E. Crap
After a while, you'd think that I would realize that the longer I go between blog posts, the more crap I need to write about backs up in the tubes. And just so you know: I'm just going to stop promising the T2 post, because there's a lot other stuff to write about and not enough time.
Like: After weeks of pissing people off with teasing Facebook posts, Stern's finally going to announce their Fall title tomorrow! How. Cool. Is. That. Unless of course it's a sucky theme like Wheel of Fortune.
And how cool is this: Daughter Zoe Entropy is now the Assistant to the Curator of the National Pinball Museum (not, sadly, the Assistant Curator). Here's how that happened: A few months ago, one of the guys at league mentioned that the museum will be moving to a more permanent location (it's currently in a shed in the guy's back yard, albeit a very nice multi-room multi-story shed with a kitchen) and asked for volunteers. At the time I had a soon-to-be-graduating college student with a major in History, an interest in museum work, and no prospects to speak of. So I mentioned that she was qualified to do actual museum and historical curation, and the league guy said he would mention it to the museum guy. After a few months and some discreet inquiries she finally got an interview -- I had her study the Pinball Compendium
and discussed pinball history with her in the week leading up to the interview, but it turns out she needed next to none of that info (by the way, when linking to this book I noticed that there's a new Pinball Compendium volume
for EM games... I did not know that).
She went on the interview and she was pretty much what he needed -- a "Girl Friday" with organizational skills and experience in history & preservation -- and the museum parts of the job are just what she was looking for. Unfortunately for the last two weeks she's been mostly helping him get organized, because he's a pretty chaotic person. She showed me his list of the 900 or so games he's got... it's in a Word document, the columns are created by repeated spaces with lines drawn on the page, and different manufacturers are denoted by the font of the game's name. She is going to be moving that data into an actual database program. Appropriately enough the day after I heard about that I read this XKCD comic.
So except for the parts where he gets a little shouty things are working out. She's only getting minimum wage, but it's better than what she was earning before that, which was nothin'.
And because the museum is getting ready to move to Georgetown this Fall, Mrs. Entropy and I made the pilgrimage to the current location to have a go at the games. They were mostly in nice shape and a lot of fun. There were a lot of nice EM games in great shape, and I finally, finally, finally got to play Big Bang Bar and Kingpin, plus an Addams Family Gold. My wife played a lot of Revenge from Mars because that's her go to game. A couple of the games ejected too many balls into play, Kingpin included... but it was a lot funner than it seemed from the Visual Pinball version. And BBB was a hoot to play... some people say it's overrated, but I loved it.
And: Updates to the Pinball Locator are chugging along. With the help of the Mrs. I cleaned up the search page a lot, and I enabled a distance search feature. I just have to implement Find, Add, Edit, and Delete using the new database format and it should be sweet.
And Finally: I found a link to the PAPA 13 poster the other day and it is frickin' awesome! It's like Cute and Metal had a baby. Wearing that on a shirt will just make me enjoy life more.
Like: After weeks of pissing people off with teasing Facebook posts, Stern's finally going to announce their Fall title tomorrow! How. Cool. Is. That. Unless of course it's a sucky theme like Wheel of Fortune.
And how cool is this: Daughter Zoe Entropy is now the Assistant to the Curator of the National Pinball Museum (not, sadly, the Assistant Curator). Here's how that happened: A few months ago, one of the guys at league mentioned that the museum will be moving to a more permanent location (it's currently in a shed in the guy's back yard, albeit a very nice multi-room multi-story shed with a kitchen) and asked for volunteers. At the time I had a soon-to-be-graduating college student with a major in History, an interest in museum work, and no prospects to speak of. So I mentioned that she was qualified to do actual museum and historical curation, and the league guy said he would mention it to the museum guy. After a few months and some discreet inquiries she finally got an interview -- I had her study the Pinball Compendium
She went on the interview and she was pretty much what he needed -- a "Girl Friday" with organizational skills and experience in history & preservation -- and the museum parts of the job are just what she was looking for. Unfortunately for the last two weeks she's been mostly helping him get organized, because he's a pretty chaotic person. She showed me his list of the 900 or so games he's got... it's in a Word document, the columns are created by repeated spaces with lines drawn on the page, and different manufacturers are denoted by the font of the game's name. She is going to be moving that data into an actual database program. Appropriately enough the day after I heard about that I read this XKCD comic.
So except for the parts where he gets a little shouty things are working out. She's only getting minimum wage, but it's better than what she was earning before that, which was nothin'.
And because the museum is getting ready to move to Georgetown this Fall, Mrs. Entropy and I made the pilgrimage to the current location to have a go at the games. They were mostly in nice shape and a lot of fun. There were a lot of nice EM games in great shape, and I finally, finally, finally got to play Big Bang Bar and Kingpin, plus an Addams Family Gold. My wife played a lot of Revenge from Mars because that's her go to game. A couple of the games ejected too many balls into play, Kingpin included... but it was a lot funner than it seemed from the Visual Pinball version. And BBB was a hoot to play... some people say it's overrated, but I loved it.
And: Updates to the Pinball Locator are chugging along. With the help of the Mrs. I cleaned up the search page a lot, and I enabled a distance search feature. I just have to implement Find, Add, Edit, and Delete using the new database format and it should be sweet.
And Finally: I found a link to the PAPA 13 poster the other day and it is frickin' awesome! It's like Cute and Metal had a baby. Wearing that on a shirt will just make me enjoy life more.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
My Reward
I figured out what my problem was with running the Pinball Locator locally this morning... the table that stores all the pinball data didn't have all the right fields with the correct names and types. There are some subtle yet irritating differences between how my machine and the live server work, and I'm having a really hard time believing that it's because I have a newer version of PHP. For now I've just got an ever-growing set of includes to deal with the differences, so we'll see how that goes.
As a reward for getting the core functionality of PL running locally, I treated myself to some time reading Pinball News' Iron Man rule porn, which was just published today. And it's just like real porn, because 90% of the rules they talk about are unattainable to schlubs like me. ^_^
As a reward for getting the core functionality of PL running locally, I treated myself to some time reading Pinball News' Iron Man rule porn, which was just published today. And it's just like real porn, because 90% of the rules they talk about are unattainable to schlubs like me. ^_^
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I Contribute to the Pinball Community!
OK, this isn't about T2, but this all happened kind of without warning.
About two weeks or so, I was on RGP and there was a post complaining about the Stern Pinball web site search function. Well, when I went to look at it, it was none other than the good ol' Pinball Locator. I defended it as best as I could, then fired off my semi-annual letter to Ken at PinballRebel.com offering to fix some glaring issues. To my shock and awe he responded positively. This time I took a different tact: Rather than honestly conveying my skill set (I don't know PHP because we use Javascript and JSP at my work), I just told him I know PHP. This was apparently what he was looking for, and after a brief negotiation he sent me the Pinball Locator source files.
Well, yay for our team! It took me a couple of hours of monkeyin' around to get everything up to the point where I could run the site on my computer. Mac OS X comes with the Apache Web Server, but you have to turn it on and activate PHP. Then I had to install MySQL and a program to monitor and query MySQL. Then I had to figure out what the heck PHP was doing (honestly, it's nothing surprising... after 34 years of programming in a dozen or so languages there really isn't a lot that can shock me in a programming language). The biggest problem ended up being that I can't seem to access the database from PHP... it doesn't give me an error message when I run a query, but it doesn't do anything either.
Anyway, I fixed the glaring issues and sent the files back for review. I'm really anxious to see how it works out... just in the past week I've come up with about 10 neat new features, and I'm sure Ken's got a bunch as well. Fun!
About two weeks or so, I was on RGP and there was a post complaining about the Stern Pinball web site search function. Well, when I went to look at it, it was none other than the good ol' Pinball Locator. I defended it as best as I could, then fired off my semi-annual letter to Ken at PinballRebel.com offering to fix some glaring issues. To my shock and awe he responded positively. This time I took a different tact: Rather than honestly conveying my skill set (I don't know PHP because we use Javascript and JSP at my work), I just told him I know PHP. This was apparently what he was looking for, and after a brief negotiation he sent me the Pinball Locator source files.
Well, yay for our team! It took me a couple of hours of monkeyin' around to get everything up to the point where I could run the site on my computer. Mac OS X comes with the Apache Web Server, but you have to turn it on and activate PHP. Then I had to install MySQL and a program to monitor and query MySQL. Then I had to figure out what the heck PHP was doing (honestly, it's nothing surprising... after 34 years of programming in a dozen or so languages there really isn't a lot that can shock me in a programming language). The biggest problem ended up being that I can't seem to access the database from PHP... it doesn't give me an error message when I run a query, but it doesn't do anything either.
Anyway, I fixed the glaring issues and sent the files back for review. I'm really anxious to see how it works out... just in the past week I've come up with about 10 neat new features, and I'm sure Ken's got a bunch as well. Fun!
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Time Out for Fun!
The Terminator rebuild is proceeding like gangbusters, but since there's a lot to write about and it's really late, I thought I'd post this cool stuff that I just got.
A few weeks ago, Boing Boing had a post of cool video game propaganda posters. I thought they were pretty amazing, so I ordered them as soon as I had some free money from our larger than expected tax refund (plus Zazzle, the printing company selling them, was doing a Tax Day 10.40% off sale... I've since found that they have better sales, like 40% off, so be patient).
The artist, Steve Thomas, has put out more since I bought these, and he's also got some cool Solar System travel posters that my wife really likes.
I framed them with cheap frames on sale from Michaels and hung them in our living room just before everyone arrived for my daughter's graduation. I opted for the pretty big size, 2 x 3 feet, for maximum impact. Of course most of our family didn't realize what they were, but my wife and I like them for their sublime blend of extreme subtlety and awesomeness.
Here's the Joust poster, which was the one pictured in the Boing Boing post and pretty much immediately sold me. I loved the Joust video game as a youth.
I put the Donkey Kong poster over the couch in the most prominent position, not because it's my favorite but because it's the one that most people will be able to figure out.
Dig Dug is, in my opinion, the least obvious, as evidenced by the fact that my daughter thought it was Speed Racer. Why would Speed Racer be pumping something and have a Pooka reflected in his visor? I believe this reflects poorly on the quality of the education that we just paid so dearly for.
There are a bunch of other posters... some I didn't care much for (like Tron) and some I like but just came out, and I've pretty much used up my free wall space. If he comes out with a Crystal Castles poster (unlikely, I know) that would be an auto-buy, but otherwise I'll just wait until he finishes the series and decide then.
OK, next time T2 rebuild stuff for real.
Friday, June 04, 2010
A hollow voice says "PLUGH".
Yes, a title that's a bizarre and/or obscure 70's/80's pop culture reference means it's Tech Tip Time!
While my Dad and brother were here for my daughter's graduation, they were casting about for something to do on an off day (funny/irritating story: My Dad said he wanted to take a Dan Brown tour of locations around DC featured in The Lost Symbol (Robert Langdon, No. 3)
. There didn't appear to be any pre-made tours, so I bought the book from Audible [yes, I know, it was infected with DRM] and listened to it, taking detailed notes about locations in the book. When I was done, I wrote up a pretty-much complete list, sent it to my Dad, and blocked out an unused day for the tour. So when my Dad gets here, I asked him what he wanted to see. He told me he didn't want me to go through all the trouble, and that he only wanted to go on an actual packaged tour. So since we didn't go on the tour, we had an off day.) and I happened to mention that I was planning to splice a power cord with a legitimate 3-pronged plug onto the European plug attached to Terminator 2. My brother scoffed at that, saying we can just pick up a plug a The Home Depot that he can attach in five minutes with just a screwdriver. We did and he did, and it was pretty easy. After they left, I decided to do the same thing to Paragon, because the ground had been cut off by a previous owner and it's been on my list to do for quite some time (and as I've mentioned before my wife and daughter were grounding it themselves for a while until they learned not to reach back while they're watching TV).
Here's the original plug with the ground cut off. You can see that I helpfully label all of my power cords to avoid confusion at the power strip.
I pulled the back off the new plug, which exposes the connectors. This is a really good time to feed the power cord through the back of plug before you attach the wires (I was feeling pretty smug for not forgetting it this time, but when I changed the plug on T2 again I did forget and had to detach the wires). Then I stripped the ends off the wires.
With the back of the plug on the power cord, I attached the wires to the business end of the plug. There's a little gap that you can feed the stripped wire into, then you just tighten the screw to close the gap.
Put everything back together and we're done! Look at that beautiful three-pronged outlet... just look at it.
And as a special bonus...
This was super-easy and fast... so much so that I didn't hesitate to change the plug on T2 for reasons which will be benounced later. Things are moving apace on T2, so I'll have a lot to discuss if I can find the time to blog this weekend.
Here's the original plug with the ground cut off. You can see that I helpfully label all of my power cords to avoid confusion at the power strip.
So first, I cut the old plug off and teased out the three wires. Since this vintage 70's era plug didn't use the traditional black-white-green wire color scheme, I made note of which identical black wire went to which side of the plug, even though I don't think it makes a huge difference.
I pulled the back off the new plug, which exposes the connectors. This is a really good time to feed the power cord through the back of plug before you attach the wires (I was feeling pretty smug for not forgetting it this time, but when I changed the plug on T2 again I did forget and had to detach the wires). Then I stripped the ends off the wires.
With the back of the plug on the power cord, I attached the wires to the business end of the plug. There's a little gap that you can feed the stripped wire into, then you just tighten the screw to close the gap.
Put everything back together and we're done! Look at that beautiful three-pronged outlet... just look at it.
And as a special bonus...
This was super-easy and fast... so much so that I didn't hesitate to change the plug on T2 for reasons which will be benounced later. Things are moving apace on T2, so I'll have a lot to discuss if I can find the time to blog this weekend.
Monday, May 31, 2010
He Powers Up... And It's Good!
As usual, I'm kind of constipated with news. But the good news is that I've assembled T2 to the point where the power driver board is getting power, and nothing blew up. So yay.
Tonight was the optional Week 0 of league, but Mrs. Entropy made it clear that I would not be honoring our nation's fallen soldiers by going to a stinky old bar and banking pinball scores.
I did sneak out yesterday and play a few games of NASCAR at Sole d'Italia. I'm kinda bummed that they got rid of Family Guy... I'm finding that although I liked NASCAR when it first came out, it's not holding my interest. And why does the garage not work on any of the games I play? And why doesn't the software see that the garage is disabled and give you the awards for, say, hitting the test car a bunch of times? Or maybe it's awarding them and I didn't notice. Anyway, I played for a while and by the end I was kind of hoping I wouldn't win any free games.
Anyway, I honest to gosh mean it when I say that the next post will feature some for real pinball fixin' stuff.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The End of an Era
My daughter graduated from college last weekend, which means one thing: I won't be going to Pizza House to play pinball any time soon.
Graduation Weekend was hectic, as we should have expected. A bunch of plans (cleaning the house, making gift bags for the family, etc.) came off a little half-baked. Family members cancelled (my brother, somewhat predictably), did stupid-ass shit (my father-in-law, who had my bro-in-law drive him 10 hours across the Midwest despite being sick, which made him more sick, so he spent the weekend in a hospital with pneumonia), and did stupid-ass shit that cost us money (my goofy sister-in-law, who ignored all the emails, Facebook posts and phone messages about the plane ticket my wife bought for her and purchased her own, which we only found out about the day before she left, by which time it was too late so we ended up donating $300 to the Richard Branson Naked Supermodel Water Skiing Fund). But Zoe Entropy did graduate (.02 grade points away from honors :( ) and moved out of her campus housing for the last time.
I didn't get to play any pinball during the weekend, but I had to drive the SUV up to pick up the last of her stuff on Monday, so I took the opportunity to make my last visit to Pizza House (at least for the foreseeable future). Happily, the high score that I set on NASCAR three years ago is still there. I put a dollar into Austin Powers and played four or five games until I was replay percentaged out. Then I put a dollar into NASCAR and played eight or nine games... every time it upped the replay beyond my score, I would match or get a special. I finally played my last two games and walked away, and as I opened the door I heard it match, but I kept walking. I kind of would have liked to go into town and play a game of The Champion Pub, but I had to get home.
I remember when I left school -- I remember it very well, since I did it three times in the 17 years it took me to get my Bachelor's degree -- and I felt the same wistfulness when I left Pizza House for the last time. Now granted, only a little of it was because of the pinball... Gettysburg College was this place I'd been coming to for four years, and now I was going to stop coming to it.
And THAT got me thinking about the time my Mom was at UCLA Medical Center about 8 years ago getting surgery for the cancer that eventually killed her. While she was under the knife, I got tired of waiting and took off, exploring the buildings that I'd attended class and goofed around in 20 years before. Of course I ended up at the arcade, a shadow of its former self but still with a couple of ratty old pins in the corner. There was a Getaway, maybe a South Park, and a few others that I don't remember. It was comforting to play pinball in a familiar surrounding.
I really don't know where this is going. Usually I can tie this all up with some kind of clever narrative thread, but I can't, so I'm just going to stop.
Well, enough of this. Next time I'm going to write about an actual useful electrical technique that I learned from my brother while he was here for the graduation (the reliable brother who actually showed up, of course).
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Disparate but not Serious
I've been pretty busy lately, but the pinball is taking the backseat to life. Mostly it's cleaning and getting the house ready for my daughter's graduation -- yesterday I spent about 2 hours cleaning bathroom floor grout -- but I'm also serving as Mrs. Entropy's surrogate daughter, since her own is spending Mother's Day on a Senior Trip to the beach. So I had to make breakfast, make dinner, do some gardening (which, to be fair, I was going to do anyway), and watch Fringe episodes with the wife. These are all fine things, but not really pinball things.
However, these are the pinball things that have happened. In league I got into the VA playoffs by having a pretty good final week. Since I was in A division, the playoffs were kind of a foregone conclusion, but I did my best. I even did some practicing in Visual Pinball to learn the rules of the games I was weakest in a little better. My weakest game was High Speed II, and I was happy after a few VP games to have gotten 300 M on it, almost 10x my highest league score. Then in Allentown, I played one that was there and busted out another 300 M, and on a real machine to boot! I felt I was ready. So what happened? Nobody picked that game against me. So much for pathos. Anyway, I had one 4 point game of WHO Dunnit and three third place finishes for a third place overall. That ended up being OK because I got the prize I wanted, a copy of Pinball 101 (and a new toolbox). The guy who finished third in B got the same DVD, so obviously we intend to study up and improve our games. But, ya know, it was fun. The end of the season party was last night, and this time it was only about a half hour drive away. The guy hosting had a great selection of games, including Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom, which I played a few times as a youngster and co-did a VP adaptation for, but have never played as an adult. There was a pinball scavenger hunt and a get the closest score contest, but I didn't do well in either. I did have the most frickin' awesome game of High Speed, scoring 3.5 M and getting multiball twice, which is really good for me since I have trouble getting the ramp shot. There was one of the nuttiest games I've ever seen called The Wiggler. The steaks for dinner were good, too. And one of the guys in the MD league who got a full set of 6 digit Bally displays for free brought one for my Paragon, which has a display with a segment out. Good times.
Allentown was OK. I went on Sunday, because Saturday was our anniversary. Sunday kinda sucked. There were half the games and half the flea marketers, and none of the vendors had much that I was looking for. I had my aforementioned awesome Getaway game, played some Iron Man (which was good... people say it's just the Austin Powers playfield, but the game feels different enough to me). I chatted with a guy that I'd met at the Fairfax Open. I was happy to see that the guy with the Future Spa with the messed up playfield finally fixed the gate (I had left a note suggesting he fix it a few shows ago... maybe he took my advice). There were a few more games that were pretty interesting... I'll probably mention something about them later.
I did talk to the guy who sold me the LEDs for Quicksilver, and the LED manufacturers as a whole apparently worked with the Alltek Systems guy to solve the flickering light problem by either a) soldering a diode on every feature light, or b) buying a new lamp driver board. I wasn't aiming to buy a new lamp board, but the guy offered to sell it to me for 20% the $100 list, and since I hadn't found much else at the show to buy I went for it. This, of course, is waiting until after graduation...
Not much progress on T2, aside from selecting a line filter and teasing out the wires to install a new plug. I used my new tiny camera to see why the speaker panel wasn't fitting correctly, and it turns out that just bending the brackets was all it needed. I ordered some parts for it, including 3 of the 4 ribbon cables from Great Plains, still the best price on cables by a dollar each.
I've having very good luck with my Fish Tales playfield. It was missing its reel, and I was kind of disparing finding a new one. But a guy posted the reel and motor on a Mr. Pinball classified and only wanted $60 for it, so I yoinked it up. Then I posted a WTB on RGP and Mr. Pinball for the brackets that held the optos, and I got a response from a guy who had parted out an FT who still had the brackets. We're currently negotiating, but he sends me only one email a day... why is no one as eager to finish these transactions as I am?!?
More as I have time and remember all the stuff I was planning to write...
Friday, April 23, 2010
The Slow, Inexorable March of Progress
I feel like I'm getting next to nothing done on the pinball front, mainly because I am. We've got less than three weeks before people start arriving for my daughter's college graduation and our house and palatial grounds are in quite the state. My wife has been sick with pulmonary issues for going on three weeks now, so a lot of the work is falling on me. So it kind of sucks to be me right now.
On the plus side, Mrs. Entropy and I went to see a Kevin Smith Q&A last night, which was pretty cool. Not really pinball-related, aside from him mentioning The Accused once, but there it is.
The Doctor Who power driver board problem ended with a whimper, not a bang. I ended up re-swapping the new board back into the game for testing, but once I did that everything worked fine. I guess it was a bad connection... and the real way to fix that is to replace the connector and the pins, but that's way more effort than I'm prepared to exert at this time. So I'm leaving it be until such time as it becomes necessary to do something about it. Go Fightin' Procrastinators!
I started setting up the T2 cabinet... I would say "she's got legs, you idiot", but I've used that joke already. I installed the legs, attached a new backbox latch that I didn't remember buying, then screwed in a backbox bolt that I had around (I'm hoping to get a second one in Allentown next weekend)... for whatever reason, I had three sitting around in a parts bin, and I used two on DW once I found out I needed them.
Anyway, I was going to put on the speaker panel and mount the backglass, but for whatever reason the speaker panel doesn't fit properly... the metal hooks don't fit snugly on the wood, but instead hang up on it... and since the speaker panel won't go down all the way, the backglass doesn't fit properly, so it's all a mess. I have to look carefully at why the speaker panel doesn't fit, maybe file down the wood or something.
League has had its ups and downs. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be in the playoffs in MD... going into week 10 I was #4 out of 4 with a girl 1 point behind me (or should I say, a girl!?!), so I needed to have a good week. Unfortunately I had an OK week... I held my own on Doctor Who (for whatever reason I can't do crap on that particular game despite having no problems getting great scores on my own) and came in second. Next up was an awesome game of Shrek... when my third ball came up the other two guys had 50 Million and I had about 1 million, but then I did a spectacular 76 million point ball (including an extra ball). When I was done, people actually applauded my performance! *blush* That was good for first place. Then I came in second on Eight Ball Deluxe, but finished a distant third on Six Million Dollar Man (damn you, Steve Austin!) for zero points. So when the unofficial back of the napkin scores were toted up, I had 9 points and Rebecca's 11, so it looks like I lost out by one point. To a girl!?! The official scores haven't come out yet, but I'm not expecting much.
In VA I'm doing OK but I definitely don't have a lock on a playoff spot yet with one more week to go. Because I had a couple of sucky weeks, I actually played in the bottom group, even though I'm in A division. None of my group was there, so I ended up playing alone and pasting everybody's saved scores, getting a 19 out of 20 points. And unlike earlier in the season, this time I actually deserved it... two of my scores were pretty good, and the other two were reasonable. Unfortunately, now I'm being accused (good-naturedly? maybe...) of gaming the system by deliberately losing so I could play in the lower groups and get big scores. These people clearly think I have a much better understanding of the scoring and grouping dynamics than I do... for example, I can't figure out why I'm still in A after a couple of losing weeks. So anyway, now I'm #2 in A but with a couple of guys nipping at my heels point-wise, which means I'll have to post some solid scores on Monday to avoid being taken down. We'll see how that goes... usually when the chips are stacked against me, I have a history of choking on my own vomit.
But to end on a positive note, in practice on Monday I scored a career best 650M on BS Dracula... I think I stacked up several multi-balls, which is the way to get huge points on that game, and I was within about 40 mill of the high score.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Frenzy o' Bloggin'!
Boy, it has been a while since my last confession. After a week of allergies I got up at 4 this morning feeling clear and unable to get back to sleep. I took care of a bunch of morning duties, then found that our hot water heater was once again failing at its primary task... which means that all the time I'd allocated for a hot shower is now available for the titular Frenzy o' Bloggin'.
We got a crapload of snow in the Mid-Atlantic region this winter, so it was mid-March before the weather improved and the mud abated enough to allow for all that cabinet sanding I needed to do. So I moved and cleaned until there was space for all of the cabinets to exit into the backyard. It helped that I had just gotten about 15 sq ft of new real estate in my basement because we replaced our indoor fuel oil tank with a new one outside (not only because it was 10 years beyond its 40 year warranty, but also to solve the problems of our boiler not starting in the morning when you want to take hot showers after being sick for a week... oh, yes, believe me I am bitter). I stripped the cabinets as much as I was going to strip them, then took them outside one at a time and sanded.
Overall it went pretty well. I started with the T2 cabinet that looked like it had spent some time at sea. The inside sanded up just fine... I used one of my wife's palm sanders and got the job done pretty quickly. Sanding the bottom was another story... little chunks of wood kept dropping out of the cabinet sides, probably because the water messed up the integrity of the wood. In the end, it looks a lot better as long as you don't peer at the sides too carefully. The good T2 cab and DW went pretty well, too. I wasn't able to sand off some stenciled text on the bottom of T2, and there were some stains on the inside of DW that I couldn't get out... possible leftovers from the soda that apparently was spilled in there at some point. But they all look way better than they did before, and sanding the bottom was a lot faster than the evening I spent scrubbing the grime off the DW with 409 and a Magic Eraser. I'm pretty happy with the results, and when I was done all of the cabs were parked in the space where the oil tank used to be, somewhat out of the way. And the space near my games where the DW cab used to sit is now clear, giving me an extra 9 sq ft of extra floor space. Time to buy a new game!
Another project that I needed to get around to was testing that hacked up driver board I got back in November to free up the DW driver for use in T2. I took out the board that was in DW a few months ago, put in the new board, then let it sit for a few months. Finally this weekend I got up the gumption to do something about it. Following Safe Standards of Behavior for Strange Boards (you don't know where they've been!), I only plugged in the power plugs from the transformer and measured voltages at the plugs where power comes back out. Everything looked pretty good, though I was a little worried about the 50V coil power showing up as 72V (I've since learned that this is normal). So I plugged everything else in and was happy to find I had a completely working game!
Almost. :P The one thing that was weird was the flippers seemed less powerful with the new board. This was especially noticeable when hitting the Cliffhanger Ramp from the upper left flipper... whereas before you could make a good sturdy shot up the ramp, now the same shot barely got the ball around the loop. Several games worth of testing showed that it wasn't me, the flippers were just slightly weaker.
A trip to RGP was extremely unenlightening. It seems like no one read my entire post... I mean, I am a trifle long-winded, but still. Everyone -- even Clay/Shaggy! -- wanted to convince me that the problem was caused by dirty optos. So I swapped the old board back in and the problem magically cleared up. I was kind of despairing, but then rgp mega-poster TheKorn came through with some potential goods, saying I should check the connectors and fuses because they may work but might have problems when push came to shove. It does give me more board troubleshooting to do -- and I need more board troubleshooting that I need to do like I need more holes in my head beyond the ones I already have -- but at least it's something to go on.
Finally, league update. I was ever so briefly #1 in A Division in the Virginia League, largely through dumb luck. Guys I was playing against had terrible weeks, one guy didn't show up, etc. I couldn't really expect that to last for a whole season, and it didn't. I am now just outside of playoff contention, and with 3 weeks to go I don't hold out much hope. In Maryland I had kind of a funny week... since I was sick, I decided not to go and used my saved scores. The guy who got to pick the first game picked one that I didn't have a saved score for, which gave me a forfeit. But then, the next two games they played were OK scores, but way better than the other two guys did. My saved score for the final game was crappy, but my two middle scores were enough for the win. I'm squarely in B Division playoff contention with just 2 weeks to go... though I gotta say that I had my druthers I'd druther t'were t'other way around... the MD prizes suck compared to the VA prizes.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Fairfax Pinball Tournament: Epic Swag!
Here's some extra post-tournament coolness: When I opened up the envelope containing my $62.50 in prize money, I found it contained a coupon for a free pre-registration package to PAPA! Yoink! That's a $35 value. I was not sure if I was going to go this year because it's such a long drive, but now I can't afford not to go! I immediately registered.
Then I asked the lovely and talented Mrs. Entropy if, since she enjoyed the trip to the Silver Ball Museum, she might want to accompany me to PAPA. And she said yes! Not only will it be more fun with the wife along, but she's a lot better at nighttime hell drives than I am. So if we go as a day trip, it won't be as rough on me.
And finally, when I went to pick up Quicksilver on Monday, it had earned just over $52! I gave half to John, which brought my total income from the tournament to $124 in cash and prizes, or about $80 after expenses. Sweet.
To top it off, Wednesday's league night was an ass-kicking, but for a change it was me kicking the ass instead of my ass being kicked. I didn't stay for the final reckoning, but I got 4 points on all my games, which is the maximum score you can get. Yay for our side!
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Fairfax Pinball Tournament: Epic Recovery!
Sometimes all it takes is the right state of mind. And in this case, I more than made up for my sucktacular first day at the tournament with a completely unexpectedly good finish.
Here's what happened. Mrs. Entropy is away at the Ladies and Gentlemen of the 1860's conference with our daughter, so I'm home alone with the pets this weekend. I put Darwin into overnight dog storage for Friday night, because I correctly predicted that I would be home late. But I expected to be finished pretty early at the tournament on Saturday, so I took him on two walks (with a little running thrown in to make him extra tired) so that he'd sleep while I was gone. I left at about 3:30 to get down to John's Place before the playoffs started at 5.
I will say that in retrospect, the initial omens and portents were favorable: I found 37 cents on the ground in various places throughout my day, and I'd had good practice games at home on Paragon and Eight Ball Deluxe (Doctor Who is down for board testing). And then at the bar in a practice game on Strikes and Spares I put up a score of 500K to beat Justin, who is a _way_ better player than I am (last Wednesday in league he smacked down the King of Payne in Medieval Madness with an amazingly relentless assault on the castle).
My standings had improved relatively. Whereas on Friday I had been #8 of 10 in B Division, at the end of qualifying I was #10 of 19. Still out of the top half, which meant I was in single elimination... if I lose one best of three match, I'm out (the top half was double elimination, meaning that if they lost they would play winners in the loser half).
Things were not looking good in general, because the bar was having serious power issues. Games were resetting right and left, and somebody mentioned that even the street light outside was flickering. This worked out pretty well for me Friday, because Monster Bash reset on a crappy game and my next game was a lot better. But Saturday it was nuts. They even had Quicksilver turned off, despite the fact that it uses 1/3 less power than a comparable pinball game (I was going to cite a link to that in my blog, but I guess I haven't blogged about it... when I replaced the GI in QS with LEDs, I did a before and after comparison with a power meter and discovered the power savings).
Anyway, so my first match got under way with the #19 guy. I was extremely nervous and tightly wound, because I knew from keeping score for him that he had not developed his competitive skillz, and in spite of my "here to play not to win" philosophy, losing to him would have, to quote my college French professor Mlle Schoonmaker, sucked dead donkey dicks. I need to retroactively amend my philosophy to say that I'm here to play not to win, but not to crap out in the first round either. I just barely beat him on Mousin' Around (another terrible game! what is it with me?), Big Buck Hunter, and some third game which I forget.
By then the power problems were out of hand, so they called a break so they could deal with the problem and I went to dinner with Brian, who I hang out with when I can... he came in first the season that I came in second, and we seem to be pretty evenly matched. By the time we got back, they had pretty much fixed the power issue by bringing in a generator.
The guys whose match would result in my next opponent apparently did not have a dog to get home to so they took their good old time playing their match. But by the time they finally got back into playing, I had entered a state of mind that was extremely conducive to my pinball playing: I didn't really care if I won or lost, because both were good things. If I won I got to advance, and if I lost I got to go home and take care of the dog. Once there, I was nigh invulnerable.
The loser of that round had my same first name and owned a Quicksilver too, so it was the Plate o' Shrimp Lattice of Coincidence round. I think I won that one 2 to 1, and I didn't need to finish my last game because by the time I hit the third ball I had beaten him, including another good game on Strikes and Spares.
Now the pace picked up, because I knew almost everyone I played after that and they were aware of my urgency to not clean up dog poop when I got home. Next up was Ken, who plays in Baltimore. We pretty much trade off beat downs... sometimes I'll school him soundly, and other times he'll knock me off my high horse and make sure it tramples me in the process. I won that 2 to 1, and again the denouement was on Strikes and Spares. This time, I destroyed him utterly and salted the earth he lived on. I frickin' turned over the game and lapped him on the fourth ball. He recovered somewhat on his final ball so that I only almost beat him by a million points, 1.2M to 270K.
By now I was feeling pretty good. I was not scared at all. I just felt kind of... invincible. I had a very positive attitude about it. I think I could have taken on Lo Pan in a game of Chinatown or San Francisco if I had to.
Next up was Brian for 4th place, and I pretty much toasted him on bread, 2 to 0. He had watched me roll over SandS so he knew to steer clear of that train wreck. I think I beat him on Who Dunnit first, getting that ol' reliable spank mode Penthouse Party and becoming Roof Champion. The last game he picked was Sorcerer, and I managed to pull ahead on the last ball so I didn't have to finish that game either.
Then I went against Ralph for 3rd place, a guy I met for the first time on Friday but a lot of people knew. Ralph must not have been watching my previous Who Dunnit game and he picked it. It was touch and go until the last ball, when I got Penthouse Party again for a billion points. I didn't finish the last ball on that one either. I think I won that match 2 to 0 too.
And on to Kendall for 2nd place. He plays in the VA league and is working on a homebrew pinball project like I am, though he's a lot further along. He had a bad game of Sorcerer, then an awesome come-from-behind game of Monster Bash. However, that loss allowed me to pick... wait for it... Strikes and Spares for another erect nipple victory, 500K to 2 or 300K.
And finally, there could be only one. I was playing Jason for first place, another guy I'd never met before but everybody seemed to know. Since he was in the double elimination bracket and I was the plucky newcomer from the bottom, I had to beat him twice. He picked Big Buck Hunter Pro and I managed to pull off a narrow victory there. There was one awesome moment: He hit the Ram target and it kicked the ball straight down the middle. He looked at it dejectedly for a second, then said, "I got ass-rammed!" Working as I do with a lot of Indians, that just made me laugh and laugh. So he picked the next game, which was No Fear. Now, he had put up 1.5 bill on his first ball against Kendall earlier, but this time he just couldn't get it started. He got an easily beatable 450M, but unfortunately for me I couldn't get it started even worse than he did and took a loss.
And here we come to what proved to be my fatal mistake. I lost the game, so I could take a game pick or an order pick. Looking back at this narrative, that choice would be obvious: Strikes and Spares. But because my nascent strategic pinball mind has apparently not developed to the level of even basic common sense, that never even occurred to me. I thought back over the games and what I came up with is how well I did when other people picked the games. So I picked the order and allowed him to pick the game (in retrospect: Fuck you Robert Frost and your road less taken!). He picked Getaway, which was in the bar portion of John's place, hoping that the smoke and incredibly loud and mostly bad karaoke would distract me enough. It didn't really, but even though he did a beatable score, I came in about 8 million short for second place in B Division.
But despite that, I was so happy with my performance. I had six straight wins in single elimination, I played great most of the night, and I placed second when the most I was hoping for was to get through a few rounds. Everyone I played were great sports, we all had a great time, and we got to play a shitload of pinball.
After that we goofed off, watching the A Div players duke it out and playing games here & there for another hour or so until they got around to giving out the prizes. For second place, my prize was $62.50, which pretty much pays my expenses for the tournament and then some. But that also means that I am now a Professional Pinball Player. If/when I go to the Pro-Am Pinball Association Championship in July or August, I can hang out with the Pros and totally snub the Ams. Yeah! I'm quittin' my job tomorrow and following the Dream!
To add a cherry on top of my victory was the fact that Quicksilver -- WHO DID NOT DIE! -- got a semi-permanent fix to the flippers from Scott, the guy who repairs the games for the league. (I'm all about the movie quotes today.) It was turned off initially, but it was on for the bulk of tournament play.... and Scott even put a couple of bucks into it at the end of the night, probably because he was learning and trying to beat the game (they have one at PAPA, so it could show up in championship play some year and it never hurts to know the spank-worthy shots to make, such as the sweep shot on the center targets when 20K per target is lit). I'm going to pick up the game tomorrow after work, and in theory I'll get a little more cash from the quarters that QS has been taking in all week.
And when I got home (9 hours after I left) Darwin had been a super-good boy and managed to keep his wits and bladder about him. So all in all, it was a very good day.
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Fairfax Pinball Tournament: Epic Fail!
You know, it's a good thing that I go to leagues and tournaments to play rather than to win, because if I went to win I would spend a lot of time sorely disappointed. On the first night of the Fairfax Pinball Open I suck so hard I created my own gravity well. My two qualifying scores put me at #8 out of 10, though to be fair if the qualifiers today stink up the place I could end up in a better seeding position. As it stands now, I'll probably be in the lower half, which means I could move up in single elimination if I play well; however, based on last night's performance, that's unlikely to happen.
There was also a classics tournament, and I was eliminated in the first round, losing the first two games so we didn't have to play the third. The first game was Mousin' Around, which I picked because it's usually a good game for me. There was a bit of an irregularity, in that I scored an extra ball but the game was set not to award them, so I started playing it (and got the skill shot!) before I realized it was the other guy's ball. But I did the right thing and trapped the ball s
o my opponent could continue playing his ball. I doubt it made a difference in the outcome. Losing the first game means I got to pick the second, so I picked my own damn game, Quicksilver, and proceeded to lose. To be fair, both games were pretty close, but it was not one of my finest hours.

But I did do some volunteer scorekeeping, and did OK under the fairly light load. Today (Saturday) is usually when the biggest turnout is.

And just to give me that extra bit of bile in my mouth, Quicksilver developed flipper problems in its first day on the job in 25 years. The left flipper has some loose screws that probably need to be tightened by replacing them with bigger screws and could use a new coil stop. The right flipper is just weak and might have a problem with the EOS switch. The repair guy said he'd try to take a look at it, and since it's scheduled to be used in the one-handed mini-tournament, hopefully he'll look at it early today. And the gameplay is not very tight... it's got a low angle and the slingshots require more effort to fire than they should. I'll need to deal with that when she comes home. But here is a picture of it on site next to the engorged areolae of Strikes and Spares. A lot of people told me on how nice the game looks, especially with the LEDs, and I was happy to accept all compliments on QS's behalf.
But overall, it was pretty fun talking to people. I met Trent, the #7 ranked player in the world (I looked myself up and it turns out I'm in the high 1,400's), and Koi Morris, who it turns out I'd played a game of Maverick with at Allentown a few years ago (and it actually ended up in the blog... go to the end of the post to see). There was a guy there from my hometown of L.A. who edited reality TV shows for a living and came out specifically for the tournament.
I did get my first, second, and third runs at Big Buck Hunter Pro. My first two games kind of sucked, but the third was OK. I enjoyed it, but I didn't feel like investing $1 per game because I was already smelling up the joint.
And that was pretty much my day. Today I'm heading down in the late afternoon for the playoffs, but I'm guessing I'll get single eliminated pretty fast and I'll make it an early night.
Thursday, March 04, 2010
On Location

The game didn't get a lot of play while I was there. A couple of people played it after league, and a few told me how nice it looked -- it is a visually striking game, and it helps that at the time it was sitting next to Cyclopes, which looks like it was drawn by a 12 year-old on a textbook cover. I don't know if they're going to use the game in the tournament or if it's just going to be there for practice. The tournament starts tomorrow, so I'm going to go after work.
One funny thing that happened on Monday was the comedy of errors continued and I finished the night at #1 in A Division. One of the guys I was supposed to play against didn't show up and had no pre-played scores, so he forfeited. By dumb luck, one of the games we played was Mousin' Around, which usually does pretty well for me in league play, and the remaining guy I played against doesn't do well on it at all. I won one other game, and he beat me on the other two but not spectacularly, so I ended up in first place. I expect that to last exactly two weeks, but only because we have the Monday after the tournament off.
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