Like: After weeks of pissing people off with teasing Facebook posts, Stern's finally going to announce their Fall title tomorrow! How. Cool. Is. That. Unless of course it's a sucky theme like Wheel of Fortune.
And how cool is this: Daughter Zoe Entropy is now the Assistant to the Curator of the National Pinball Museum (not, sadly, the Assistant Curator). Here's how that happened: A few months ago, one of the guys at league mentioned that the museum will be moving to a more permanent location (it's currently in a shed in the guy's back yard, albeit a very nice multi-room multi-story shed with a kitchen) and asked for volunteers. At the time I had a soon-to-be-graduating college student with a major in History, an interest in museum work, and no prospects to speak of. So I mentioned that she was qualified to do actual museum and historical curation, and the league guy said he would mention it to the museum guy. After a few months and some discreet inquiries she finally got an interview -- I had her study the Pinball Compendium
She went on the interview and she was pretty much what he needed -- a "Girl Friday" with organizational skills and experience in history & preservation -- and the museum parts of the job are just what she was looking for. Unfortunately for the last two weeks she's been mostly helping him get organized, because he's a pretty chaotic person. She showed me his list of the 900 or so games he's got... it's in a Word document, the columns are created by repeated spaces with lines drawn on the page, and different manufacturers are denoted by the font of the game's name. She is going to be moving that data into an actual database program. Appropriately enough the day after I heard about that I read this XKCD comic.
So except for the parts where he gets a little shouty things are working out. She's only getting minimum wage, but it's better than what she was earning before that, which was nothin'.
And because the museum is getting ready to move to Georgetown this Fall, Mrs. Entropy and I made the pilgrimage to the current location to have a go at the games. They were mostly in nice shape and a lot of fun. There were a lot of nice EM games in great shape, and I finally, finally, finally got to play Big Bang Bar and Kingpin, plus an Addams Family Gold. My wife played a lot of Revenge from Mars because that's her go to game. A couple of the games ejected too many balls into play, Kingpin included... but it was a lot funner than it seemed from the Visual Pinball version. And BBB was a hoot to play... some people say it's overrated, but I loved it.
And: Updates to the Pinball Locator are chugging along. With the help of the Mrs. I cleaned up the search page a lot, and I enabled a distance search feature. I just have to implement Find, Add, Edit, and Delete using the new database format and it should be sweet.
And Finally: I found a link to the PAPA 13 poster the other day and it is frickin' awesome! It's like Cute and Metal had a baby. Wearing that on a shirt will just make me enjoy life more.
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