There are a couple of wear spots where we would expect, along the ball launch trail and in a few high traffic areas. There is some discoloration where the plastic posts hold up the lanes along the top -- my wife noticed this and thought it was fading, and it took me a while to figure out what it was (when I did, she took my incredulous tone to mean that I couldn't believe she didn't know what it was, but I was incredulous because I'd never seen anything like that before). There is mylar protecting most of the playfield, especially the inserts... it doesn't look as bad in person as it does in the pic -- there's a lot of glare from the flash.

I made my first purchase for Centaur... a guy on Mr. Pinball was parting out a Harlem Globetrotters playfield, and I bought the inline targets from him. That means I can keep the EBD one that I have, because if I can rebuild Centaur from scratch, I can also rebuild my thrashed EBD as well.
OK, now I have to pause while my brain plays the Harlem Globetrotters cartoon theme song ("*whistle whistle whistle* hey! what? chicka chicka boom, Globetrotters, chicka chicka boom, oh yeah"). If only I could turn my massive knowledge of trivia to profit, I would be in great shape. I was a contestant on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, and I came within half a second of winning the fasted finger round once and just missed my second chance -- I put H.L.Menken after Edward R. Murrow temporally. Would that I had won, because the woman who did choked before she got to the $1000 level, so she went home with zilch -- she didn't know what a tome was, poor fruit.
Yeah, OK, there was that business of Pinball Rebuilders Strictly Cash and all, but that was before my eBay auctions sold for less than half what the same items sold for a month and a half ago. I discover this anew every year: Stuff stops selling as well and at all during summer. Maybe because people are on vacation and not nosing around eBay. I dunno. But I'm going to wait until fall before I start selling again, much to the chagrin of my bank account and my pinball restoration projects. So we'll see what I choose to afford until that time...
Not much else to report... I'll be trying to shirk dog duty (no pun intended, eww) as much as possible for the next few weeks so I can start the rebuilding project.
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