I've been busy with my daughter off to college, a business trip, stuff like that. The one thing I did to is make a fake backbox stuff for Doctor Who!

The grill was a little more work. I probably mentioned that I took pictures of DW at the Allentown show in May. I photoshopped the best images together into a passable life-sized pic and printed it out on three pages. Then I cut a piece of wood leftover from our remodeling and cut out the DMD and speaker holes. Then I taped the image to the board.

Tomorrow is the York PA pinball show. I used to go on Saturday, but now I go on Friday because you get an extra hour to play and there's a better selection of stuff to buy. I've been training all week with a squeeze ball so my wrists aren't completely destroyed by flipping all day. Tonight, though I noticed a DW mini playfield on eBay with the motor and cam assembly...! The trouble is it goes off at 9PM EST, which will be about an hour into my drive home. Choices: Leave early (urk!), drive from York to Gettysburg where my daughter is at school (slightly more than a one hour drive and she'll be in her dorm on Friday night? Don't think so), or try to talk my wife through it on the phone from the road while she's at her sister's house in California. Although I'm a little leery -- she did panic and bid too much on that terrible DMD driver -- it should be OK since I'll be on the phone with her and it won't be too late at night. Ganbatte!!!! \/ ^_^ \/
Holy cheese, I almost forgot... the playfield project continues with the purchase of an almost entirely intact Black Knight playfield off eBay from... the guy I bought Doctor Who from. I'll detail that folly in a future posting.
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