Sunday, June 08, 2008

5 minute post... Go!

Last minute addendum! I forgot that for the first time, I won a door prize at the pinball show! Obviously, it's not a pinball machine or flat screen TV, since I probably would have remembered that on the first go round. It's a Pinball Wizards tiny travel alarm clock/calculator/
world time zone thing. I don't know what I'll do with it, but how can I not use it? It's a Major Award!

Actually, one place I could use it is in my new work area! My wife complained that she doesn't have a place for her crafts today... actually, she does, but it's a disaster area (to be fair, not entirely of her own making). We were going to set one up for her in the laundry room, but it's not an ideal space (near water and generally filled with dirty clothes), and it's currently piled to the ceiling with eBay packing supplies and boxes. So she said today that she wishes she could have a room for her crafts. After some negotiating, it was decided that I would move my pinball stuff out of the fake bedroom in the basement (fake -> no closet) and move her craft stuff into the bedroom. She would be away from water and have a whopping two windows for light; I would have a large work area near my games that is convenient to our primary drain pipe, so when it bursts it can spray warm effluent all over my $1000+ collection of playfields!

More on this story as it develops...

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