Saturday, February 24, 2007

This just in: I am not a complete loser

Things have been kind of down in our household... we're on a deathwatch for one of our cats, who has a pretty bad abdominal tumor. The mood isn't conducive to a chatty blog about pinball, but I figured I'd get this post in while I'm thinking about it.

There was an eBay auction last weekend for a Doctor Who in similar condition to mine when I bought it. Of course, I'm always worried that I'm spending too much money for this or that, so I was watching it to see if it sold for more than mine did. Also, if it had gone for cheap I would have bid on it myself just to resell the parts. The final price was $517, almost exactly twice what I paid for mine. It always helps when the market confirms that you're not a complete dumbass. Well, OK, the next post may indicate that I am, but we'll just have to wait for that. It will be a long one.

Also, apropos to my last post, I discovered a new pinball machine near my house! Last Monday -- Washington's Birthday -- I was buying dinner for my wife and I to buoy our spirits (this is going to be a huge parenthetical aside, sorry... not only were we upset about our cat, but my daughter had just gone back to school -- she was coming down for an Anime convention, but came down a day early because we almost put the cat to sleep and she wanted to be there, but once down she came down with stomach flu, missed the con, and spent the whole weekend with us. My wife then came down with said stomach flu this week, but, to quote the Weird Al Show theme song, that's really not important to the story). I was getting Chipotle for me and Boston Market for her, and in the same shopping center there is a Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theater (yes, I am old school, so I use the complete name whenever feasible despite the fact that none of them have those animatronic freak shows in them any more). I poked my head in, not expecting much -- during a fruitless portion of my world tour that I didn't chronicle, I'd looked into one in Bethesda -- and lo and behold, there was a NASCAR right by the door! I didn't play because I really needed to get dinner home, but I'm hoping to give it a go this weekend. Later that night, I proudly entered it into the FSPA pinball list, though I kind of fudged the rating since I didn't actually play it. NASCAR is one of the few newer Stern games I really enjoy, I think mainly because it has nice clear shots and a clean design around the center playfield, which appeals to my late 70's Bally aesthetic.

Next time, for sure: I will really, really embarrass myself for your benefit with my latest lunatic purchase.

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